Building Update 050 – Family Meeting, Part 1

  May 25                        Building Update 050   

          “Family Meeting – Part 1”

The only thing more exciting than watching Phil win the PGA on Kiawah Island this Sunday was Pastor Jenn giving us the latest scoop on the Ashley Ridge Church building project! She also talked about all the exciting AR programs and ministry opportunities, but for this update, I would like to focus just on the latest building project news.  NOTE:  If you missed the Family Meeting – Part 1 on Sunday, please take the time to go back and view this important and informative event on the church’s YouTube channel.

During the meeting, Pastor Jenn walked us through the major (building) Project Milestones completed to date and what lies ahead in 2021.  The recap is as follows:

Project Milestones (2020)                     Completed Action or Product Delivered                   

Operating Budget Freeze 2020              Cut expenses and built margin in Operating Acct.

Surge & Stretch Challenge 2020            Capital Campaign for funding building expenses

EquipLABS Session (ES)                            Building Floor Plan Phase 1 & Masterplan

Establish Reserve Fund                             100K put side for emergencies/contingencies

Parker Land Surveying, LLC                     Survey on building site – Summers Corner

Geotechnical (Terracon)                          Geotech Report (soil borings & analysis)

Civil (Cypress Engineering)                      Civil Schematic Design (SD)

Building Site/Land Loan Paid-off            Surge & Stretch 2020 Goal completed March 2021


Project Milestones (2021)                      In-Progress or To Be Completed/Delivered

Utility Access & Availability                     On-going negotiations with Lennar (Developer)

Operating Budget Freeze 2021              Cut expenses and build margin in Operating Acct.

Surge & Stretch Challenge 2021*          Capital Campaign for funding building expenses

Exterior Renderings (ES)                          Building exterior architectural design & drawings

Civil (Cypress Engineering)                      Construction Documents & Permitting

Equip Studio (Architectural SD)              Begin Architectural SD & Construction Plans/Docs

Construction Budget (Final)                    Pricing and construction budget approved

Building Project Financing                       Arrange for construction loan to begin land prep.

in 2022 with vertical construction in 2022/2023

*Surge & Stretch Challenge 2021 goal is to raise 200K for the following:  1) continue Civil Engineering work started in 2020  2) provide funds for the production of Construction Plans/Docs by Equip Studio and 3) provide working capital for additional building related expenses as required i.e. exterior renderings, additional survey and/or geotechnical work.

Financial Report.  I also wanted to give everyone a quick report on how things are shaping-up in May with regards to giving.  We still have a week to go, but it looks like it’s going to be a very good month!  Contributions below are as of May 24th:

$1,781.12 Building Fund + $52,511.71 General Fund = $54,292.83 TOTAL

Also, stay tuned for Family Meeting – Part 2 in late June with ALL the latest exciting details of the building project.  Family Meeting – Part 2 will be a LIVE (virtual) and in-person event with plenty of time for Q & A.  You will NOT want to miss this!!!

If you would like to make a contribution to the General Fund or Building Fund, you can do so here.

Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader    

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