Building Update 078 – Financial Follow-Up

May 18                Building Update 078   

       “Financial Follow-up”

I wanted to jump-on this morning and follow-up on the financial report Pastor Jenn and Garrett Reuber, our Financial Team Leader, gave this past Sunday morning at the beginning of worship.  If you haven’t seen it, I recommend you go back and watch it.

For the record, I love bleu-cheese in and/or on everything!!!  But, I understand where Pastor Jenn was going with regards to eating fungi. I won’t eat moldy bread even if it is just a little bit moldy which for me spoils the culinary experience. Now that I have addressed the bleu cheese, fungi and mold issue, let’s get back to business!

AR is at a critical juncture with regards to the building project with many of the key pieces now being put in place which will allow AR to break ground by the end of this year.  Four of these key pieces are listed below:

  • We have a signed proposal from Cypress Engineering in the amount of $135,410 to civil engineer the new building site. This will take us all the way through civil Schematic Design (SD), Construction Documents and Permitting to begin land preparation.
  • Equip Studio working with the Church Staff has adjusted & revised the concept site plan to be in compliance with Dorchester County (Form Based Code) while at the same time maximizing our front parking area. The new plan has been submitted to Dorchester County Zoning for preliminary approval.
  • AR is in a VERY important financial effort to raise $150K for the building project. These funds will go to paying civil engineering costs on the new site and sound design for the new worship space (the cost of the sound design phase by WAVE.US is estimated at $24,500).
  • Our Financial Team continues to build-up the church financial reserves which is VERY important for approval of the construction loan and continuing to make steady & real progress on the building front until such time as the construction loan is made available.

Financial Report May is starting out on the financial fast track with total contributions as of May 16th as follows:

$52,560.07 Building Fund + $29,174.60 General Fund = $81,734.67 TOTAL

Going back to January 2020 and the Budget Freeze, the most contributions received in a single month were in December 2021 where contributions totaled a whopping $100,262!!!  AR has the potential to not only exceed this record figure but S-M-A-S-H it (I’m thinking Batman fighting adjectives here with a POW!!! BANG!!! BAM!!!) and make our $150K goal!  With your continued generous financial support, we can do it – TOGETHER!!!          

If you would like to make a contribution to the Building Fund for construction costs or the General Fund for operating expenses, you can do so here.                            

Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader

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