Building Update 090 – “Momentum Building”
October 11, 2022
A LOT is happening on the building front this month and would like to hit a few of the “biggies” enabling us to build momentum and move forward with the project:
- Our civil engineer, Will Rogan, has gotten “Will Serve” letters (no pun intended) from all the utility providers i.e. power, water, sewer & internet/cable/fiber for the new site.
- Troy Powell is working with Lennar on the revised Special District plan application to Dorchester County Planning & Zoning.“Troy, keep-up the good work!”
- Equip Studio is finishing-up the updated floor plan & site plan Schematic Design (SD) and should have this completed and available for Pricing from our General Contractor in a couple of weeks. “Go Equip go!”
Our NOW. HERE Capital Campaign is in full swing with 92 Commitment Cards submitted as of October 10th. Pastor Jenn and Allen Terry, AR Financial Team Leader, shared this past Sunday on the results so far, and how we are “Momentum Building” toward our goal of creating a permanent home base for Ashley Ridge Church in the Summerville community and beyond.
This financial piece is absolutely critical with respect to building working capital and margin internally, and qualifying for the construction loan via a local bank externally. With that in mind, the 92 commitments received out of the 200 active AR giving units thus far, represents a 46% Participation Rate, and we are just getting started! We really need everyone pulling on the rope with this one! Can we count you in?
The increased margin from a successful capital campaign will allow us to self-finance at least part of the building project cost and conserve valuable financial resources and save on mortgage interest. SO, if you haven’t had a chance to fill-out & submit a Commitment Card, please do so on or before October 31st.
Derrick Horres
AR Building Project Leader