Financial Report:
NHCC Commitments Card # Received – 67
Amount (Pledged) – $731,141.57
Project Notes: All systems are go for Groundbreaking on Sunday, April 21st! Who is ready to witness this monumental event in the life of Ashley Ridge Church? Well, you only have 17 DAYS TO WAIT! Come at 10 am, Sunday, April 21st for the Groundbreaking Worship celebration with Biscuits & Bacon and be back at 4 pm on the land for the official ceremony with more fun, more food and more festivities!
Financial Notes: The NOW.HERE Capital Campaign (NHCC) Commitment Card count is up to 67! This is already making a HUGE difference in our financial position and is giving us valuable financial resources with which to continue paying project expenses so as not to interrupt the construction schedule. If you haven’t filled-out a new Commitment Card, please do so at your earliest convenience. Commitment Cards are available on Sunday mornings during worship and online via the church website at . Thank you for your continued financial support!!! -Derrick Horres, Building Project Leader