Building Update 125

“God is good!

As I think back to all the twist and turns, and ups and downs this building project has taken, I am truly amazed how things have worked-out!  Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought at the beginning of this journey that the new Ashley Ridge Church would be built on Hwy. 165 right next to Ashley Ridge High School. It took time and perseverance to get to this point – less than 11 days until Groundbreaking!!! Who is ready for a Groundbreaking??? Sunday, April 21st at 4pm will be a huge milestone. It may be a cliché, but it is nevertheless true.  God is Good!  Giving has substantially and dramatically increased in 2023 & 2024 with the light at the end of the tunnel beaming brighter than ever!  We have persevered to get to this point, and we as a church are stronger for it!

SO, with Groundbreaking just days away, I want to say “thank you” on behalf of the Building Team for your continued confidence and especially your generosity!   You have hung-in there with grim determination to see this project through to fruition!  Without this one critical factor, the project would be still be on hold, delayed or even kaput! Over the next few weeks, site work will begin in earnest, and we will have our Groundbreaking where we will finally put that elusive “shovel in the ground!”  Let us take this moment to celebrate what God has done working through us and mark this very special day in the life of Ashley Ridge Church.  Yes, God is good!

 Financial Report:  March was a record-breaking month for giving with contributions totaling a whopping $160,602!  As far as new Commitment Cards, AR is up to 69 Received with $776,841.57 Pledged! If you would like to make a contribution to the Building Fund or General Fund or fill-out a new Commitment Card, you can do so on-line via the  church website:  ~Derrick Horres AR Building Project Leader

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