Building Update 089
September 24, 2022
You may have noticed that we are living in a time of rapidly rising interest rates and inflationary pressures. Pam constantly reminds me of this every time she goes to the grocery store! Everything is getting more & more expensive including building material, labor & construction loans!!! So, we wanted you to know, your AR Building Team is on the ball planning Countermeasures to these unwanted economic factors.
We can mitigate some of the painful effects of rising interest rates by self-financing more of the project with funds provided by your generous contributions to the NOW. HERE. Capital Campaign. A really, really successful NOW. HERE. Capital Campaign can provide a tremendous boost of much needed funds to the building project in two important ways:
1) One-time gifts to the Building Fund which go directly to pay construction related expenses
2) Contributions to the General Fund beyond Operating Budget requirements can provide an additional source of funds
To that end, the NOW. HERE. Capital Campaign is upon us with Commitment Sunday, September 25th just hours away! The excitement & anticipation is palatable!!! This Sunday will be a day to remember! You don’t want to miss it!!!
With all this to ponder, the Building Team needs your help! We need a “BIG” hit to the Building Fund from one-time contributions to help fund our next step in the process – that next step being “Land Preparation.” A flood of contributions into the church coffers could allow AR to stay ahead of expenses with the goal of keeping the construction loan in reserve for the last phase – Vertical Construction. This would save AR loads of mortgage interest from the construction loan and with permanent financing when the project is complete and debt service begins.
If you would like to fill-out a NOW. HERE. Commitment Card and did not receive one in the mail, you can do so by attending the worship service this Sunday, September 25th or on-line via the church website:
Derrick Horres
AR Building Project Leader