Building Update 043 – Financial Report and Project Update

            February 12               Building Update 043   

      “Financial Report & Project Update”

A LOT has been happening on the building front the past couple of weeks, and I am anxious to tell you about it!  But first, let’s get a quick “Financial Report.”

Financial Report.  2020 was a banner Giving year for Ashley Ridge Church as you may have already heard with contributions topping 812K, but did you know 2021 has started off even better?  Giving last month was up approximately 16K over January 2020!  Last month’s contributions were as follows:

$14,792.27 Building Fund + $46,933.33 General Fund = $61,725.60 TOTAL

This is the 7th consecutive month Giving has exceeded 60K in a month, with 10 out of the last 13 hitting the mark.  Way to go Ashley Ridge Church!  Your dedication and generosity continues to amaze!  THANK YOU!!!

Also, with regards to paying-off the land in Summers Corner, we are now only $20,388.81 away from making this a reality!  Our goal is to be “debt free” by the end of February.  WE CAN DO IT ASHLEY RIDGE CHURCH – TOGETHER!!!

Project Update.  So much has happened recently it will be difficult to summarize without getting “down in the weeds,” but I will do my best to give you the important information in a “broad brush.”  In BU 038 entitled “Hard Costs & Decision Points,” I talked about the next important step in the process being pricing coming from Trident Construction (GC) and their subcontractors.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news with regards to Hard Costs.  First, the bad news, we received estimates for the Site Work on Friday, February 5th.  Based on the Civil Schematic Design (SD) completed by Cypress Engineering, the land in Summers Corner is going to need 31,327 cubic yards of fill (dirt) to bring the site (building pad and parking lot) up to required elevation at an additional cost of:  31,327 cubic yards x $18.95 per yard = $593,646.65

Also, included in the pricing was the cost of bringing utilities (water & sewer service) to the property/building of $466,000.00.  These two items alone have added an additional 1MIL+ expense to the Site Work which now stands at 2.3MILThis figure includes all Site Work i.e. fill, utilities, asphalt, paving, sidewalks, etc.   

The fill (dirt) requirements are being driven by the fact the floor elevation of the new facility has to be 2 feet above the 100 Year Flood Stage or 17 feet and the parking lot has to have a final elevation of 15 feet.  The survey work performed by Parker Land Surveying, LLC showed the AR property in Summers Corner is currently a mixture of 12 and 13 feet in elevation which means 31,327 cubic yards of fill (dirt) are needed to elevate and balance all subgrades and pads.

As far as bringing utilities to the property, water has to travel 1900ft down Summers Drive.  When the property was purchased in 2017, it was hoped water and sewer service would have made it down Summers Drive by now but that has not been the case.  While Dorchester County Water & Sewer (DCWS) has given permission for the church to connect to their force main located behind the property, the run is still 800ft requiring a utility easement and lift pump station.

The good news is we are in negotiations with the developer (Lennar) over ways to mitigate these costs.  The next 30 days are going to be pivotal for the building project as we are coming-up on key Decision Points in the process.

The Executive Team is working very hard (leaving no stone unturned) to ensure the new AR facility is the best it can be at the most affordable cost.  Please be in prayer that doors continue to open for Ashley Ridge Church and the building project!

If you would like to make a contribution to the General Fund and/or Building Fund, you can do so here.

Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader

NOTE:  estimated fill (dirt) requirements and utilities service costs by Celek & Celek Construction, Inc. proposal of 2/5/2021

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