Building Update 045 – “Land Pay-Off & Financial Report”

            March 16                Building Update 045   

      “Land Pay-Off & Financial Report”

Land Pay-Off.  As most of you may already know, the 10-acre tract of land in Summers Corner was completely paid-off on March 1st.  This was accomplished by a flurry of donations and matches coming-in from the Burn the Note “Hot Wings” Challenge.  Garrett Reuber calls this unique “Hot Wings” fundraising event, “Ashley Ridge Church’s version of a “Bake Sale!”  Whatever you call it, it worked, getting us over the finish line!  Can you yell, “WE’RE DEBT FREEEEE????”

Paying-off a 280K loan balance in a little over 11 months is no small feat in the midst of a pandemic and shut-down as this is an average of applying over 23K a month to the land loan principle each and every month for the past year.  Way to go Ashley Ridge Church!!!  SO, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all those who have supported the General Fund & Building Surge/Fund with your generous contributions!

It was your dedication and commitment which led to this major milestone and achievement.  You are making a real difference in this church and the Summerville community!  THANK YOU!!!

Financial Report.  February was a difficult month as we had to alter in-person worship service due to weather conditions, plus it was a short month, but we were still able to rack-up solid numbers.  Finalized giving for February was as follows:

$8,555.60 Building Fund + $41,083.00 General Fund = $49,638.60 TOTAL

March giving has started off with a BANG! with matches and donations coming-in on the Burn the Note “Hot Wings” Challenge as well as increased General Fund contributions.  Totals for the month (as of March 15th) are below:

$4,381.97 Building Fund + $53,187.07 General Fund = $57,569.04 TOTAL

Stay tuned for all the latest building project information and the date for next Family Meeting coming soon!  If you would like to make a contribution to the General Fund and/or Building Fund, you can do so here.

Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader

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