Building Update 051, Patience and Perseverance

        June 1                     Building Update 051   

         “Patience & Perseverance”

There won’t be any numbers, facts or figures, and heck, not even a request for funds in this building update as I wanted to share with you a few of my thoughts going forward into the pre-construction phase of the building project.  This journey of forging a permanent home base for Ashley Ridge Church will put our patience & perseverance to the test.  There will be successes and there will be setbacks before it’s all said and done.  SO, I wanted to arm us with some scripture to meet the demands of the task before us.

“And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”      – James 1:4

I am not a patient person by nature, but I know it is a critical factor to the success of any major project, so I usually make-up for my lack of patience with an intense focus.  I told Pastor Jenn at one of our first meetings discussing the building project that I can get tunnel vision from time to time because I’m so concentrated and laser focused on completing “the mission.”  I am happy to report she and Rick White have done a good job keeping me on track!

But, this scripture verse tells me two important things:  1)  that ALL our hard work, time, energy and effort that goes into completing a task is there for a reason, and that reason is to have a perfect result and for us to develop all the necessary traits to make us perfect, compete, lacking in nothing.  In other words, nothing is lost, nothing is wasted and no sacrifice is in vain!  It is all a part of His perfect plan to make us better Christians and servants and be able to take on the challenges of the world and 2) as much as we want to be “in control” and set the timeline, it’s really God that is in control as He knows the route we need to take to reach our destination.  He knows the journey we take is just as important as the end result!

WE are on this incredible journey T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R to building a permanent home base for Ashley Ridge Church in Summerville, so let us “endure the trials, strive for the perfect result and become more complete along the way.”

Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader    

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