Building Update 021

   September 11                 Building Update 021

                “Next BIG Step”

Over the past year, everyone associated with the For SVL Building Project has worked extremely hard, laying the foundation for the construction of the new AR facility in Summers Corner. We have seen doors open at every point, level and phase of the process.  It has been an incredible experience for me, personally, to see the number of individuals jump on board and assist with the effort. I am truly grateful!

The architects with Equip Studio are amazing professionals with years of experience and expertise in church Concept & Design and came through BIG TIME during the EquipLABS charrette.  A charrette is an intensive planning session where designers and others collaborate on a vision for development.  It provides a forum for ideas and offers the unique advantage of giving immediate feedback. The charrette format (along with the very precise and detailed input from the AR Staff) was instrumental in the overarching success of the EquipLABS.

Trident Construction as the General Contractor (GC) was chosen for the project several years ago and is just the company that can pull it all together and make the dream a reality.  Trident will perform the actual land preparation (putting the shovel in the ground) to completing the vertical construction.

The “Next BIG Step” is paying for the land in Summers Corner.  Paying-off the land loan is the key to proceeding with the building project on many levels for many important reasons.

You will be hearing shortly from Pastor Jenn about our 40-Day Push to Burn the Note, which will be a maximum effort to finish paying for the land.  Let us “TOGETHER” do what we can to support this amazing effort that allows the building project to take the “Next BIG Step!”

If you would like to make a contribution to the General Fund or Building Surgeyou can do so here.

Derrick Horres, Project Leader

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