Building Update 039 – Monday Morning Quarterback

       January 25                  Building Update 039   

                    “1st and Goal”

It’s game day, and we’re “1st and Goal” on the 5 yard line!  Let me explain AR sports fans!  The pay-off on the land loan is down to a measly $24,268.81 which represents just 5% of the 450K paid for the property back in 2017.  That means we have marched 95% or 95 yards down the field and are in the “red zone” poised for a “BIG” score in late February.

Thanks to your generous contributions to the Building Fund and General Fund, we were able to go on an offensive tear with paying down the land loan these last tense but exciting quarters.  There were two “BIG” plays for “BIG” gains which made this all happen:

First, there was “the Surge” draw play up the middle called several times by Coach Jenn and each time executed for “BIG” yardage thereby reducing the principal balance by as much as 30-40K at a clip.  Way to go Coach Jenn!

Then, there was “the Reserve Fund” end around (audible) where 50K was used with effectiveness against the stubborn land loan defense in a onetime brutal (but clean) hit on the principal balance knocking it down to the current level.  Dick Butkus would be proud!  This novel play was developed and inspired by our experienced Offensive Coordinator, Assistant Coach Reuber, who also serves as the Finance Team Leader.   Great call Coach Reuber!

But, we can’t get over confident because you know the opposing side is going to put up a stiff defense over the next few weeks with their backs to the financial goalpost.  SO, Ashley Ridge team, let’s get that pigskin over the goal line this time, make that “BIG” score and “win one for the Gipper!”

We can do it – TOGETHER!!!

If you would like to help the AR team get the ball in the end zone by making a contribution to the General Fund or Building Fund, you can do so here.

Derrick Horres, AR Sports Writer

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