Building Update 077 – Something’s Happening

   April 22                Building Update 077   

     “Something’s Happening”

Late last year just before Christmas, I could feel Ashley Ridge Church gathering momentum and building steam on several fronts, starting with the packed Christmas Eve Service and rolling into March of this year with a signed & ratified swap agreement on the new building site next to ARHS.

Then, came Holy Week with the moving Good Friday Walk-Thru experience and standing room only Easter Service last Sunday.  I kept thinking to myself this is different – Something’s Happening at Ashley Ridge Church that is new and even more exciting, and we can all be a part of it!

With that said, Pastor Jenn has scheduled a VERY important Family Meeting on Sunday to convey all that is happening in our church.  It will be during the morning worship service at 10:00 am, and you are NOT going to want to miss what she has to say (and show) about the future prospects of Ashley Ridge Church.

While she will touch on many aspects of church ministries and programs, she will also give a VERY important update on the building project.  She will explain in detail where we are with regards to getting “a shovel in the ground” later this year and the church-wide capital campaign needed to help get us there.

But, this update is about much more than the financial picture, and how it pertains to the building project. This update is about all the good things that have happened and are still happening as a result of the road we are traveling.

We are climbing the highest mountain T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R where everything has seemed endlessly uphill, BUT now are sooooo close to reaching the top.  This is our moment and our time! The moment we have been waiting patiently for and to see happen is almost upon us!  Building the future permanent home for Ashley Ridge Church is within our grasp!!!

I can honestly say the journey to this point has been an amazing one full of and rewards and challenges.  We have seen church growth in attendance, finances, leadership, unity of effort, teamwork and confidence.  This only comes from overcoming obstacles, working hard and a reliance on God for wisdom & direction.

AND, to “close the deal” with regards to creating a permanent home base, AR will just need to execute a successful building project capital campaign to raise the necessary funds internally to complete the Phase 1 construction along with bank financing.  If AR can meet its internal & external financial goals this year, then it’s “game on” for the new AR facility & campus and a “shovel in the ground” in 2022!!!

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  – Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)


Financial Report As of April 20th, MTD giving numbers are as follows:

$3,187.76 Building Fund + $36,578.88 General Fund = $39,766.64 TOTAL

If you would like to make a contribution to the Building Fund for construction costs or the General Fund for operating expenses, you can do so here.


Derrick Horres, AR Building Project Leader

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